Certificate of Competence - Covid Holiday Let Cleaning
Petra our Housekeeper has successfully completed the Landlords’ Little Helper’s School Certificate of Competence – Covid Holiday Let Cleaning Course.

Pulling the Fresh Air in and Pushing the Stale air out...
We have a whole house heat recovery system.
This system provides filtered fresh air throughout the whole house at an air change rate of up to 300 cubic meters/hour.
This runs 24/7. It draws warm/dirty air from the kitchen area, bathrooms and utility room through a heat exchanger that transfers this heat energy to fresh incoming air that is sent to all other rooms.
During summer periods there is a bypass that stops the heat transfer so that the warm/dirty air is simply expelled and fresh unheated air is drawn into the other rooms.
The heat recovery system can be boosted if you are cooking with the switch mounted near the hob.
Here are just some of the additional measures taken..
Antibacterial Hand Gel is at placed at the Front door for convenient use before entering.
For even greater peace of mind extra disinfectants are left out for our guests’ use. One for surfaces, one for fabric & upholstery – both comply with government guidelines.
Specialist Piano Key Wipes will be left out for our guests to use.

We have doubled the amount of cushions and throws so we can rotate them to allow a minimum 72hrs for the potential virus to die before they are returned to the property.

We will remove books, games, puzzles and magazines from circulation once touched by a guest by requiring the item to be placed in our ‘browsed baskets’. At the end of the stay the ‘browsed basket’ and its contents will be safely stored away for 72 hours until any threat from coronavirus transmission has been eliminated.
Risk Assessment
This Risk Assessment has been carried out following the guidelines on the HSE (Health and Safety Executive) website here.
Assessment carried out by: Roger Winfield
Address: The Studio, 17 Val Prinseps Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex, BN246JD
Date assessment was carried out: 27/06/2020
Heat Recovery System
We encourage guests to use the Whole house Heat Recovery Ventilation System to its fullest extent. This system provides filtered fresh air throughout the whole house at an air change rate of up to 300 cubic meters/hour.
Potential Hazards
- Contamination of the site by guests who are asymptomatic or who develop symptoms while in situ.
- Transmission of the virus between guests or between guests and contractors/suppliers.
Who is at Risk?
- Guests on site or with subsequent bookings, particularly the elderly or those with underlying health conditions.
- Cleaning and Maintenance Contractors and their immediate families, particularly if they care for relatives who are elderly or have underlying health conditions.
Actions to Control Risk
Containing and controlling the spread of Covid-19 requires all persons, both Guests and staff that access ‘The Studio’ to follow current advice on a personal level, for example:
- stay at least 2 metres (3 steps) away from anyone you do not live with when outside your home
- wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
- use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
- wash your hands as soon as you get home
- cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
- if you can, wear something that covers your nose and mouth when it’s hard to stay away from people, such as in shops or on public transport
- do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Anybody who is exhibiting symptoms or who has any reason to believe they may have come into contact with the virus up to 14 days prior to their booking must strictly follow the Government instruction to self-isolate and follow NHS guidelines. Therefore, they should not arrive at The Studio.
Anybody in one of the vulnerable groups identified by the Government should follow current and up to date Government advice with regard to specific precautions they should take.
Prior to occupation all guests and visitors must agree to ‘The Studio’ enhanced Covid19 terms and conditions. These enhanced measures include steps to mitigate any potential spread of the Covid19 virus by requiring that; if any guest shows symptoms or signs of being infected with Coivid19 whilst in occupation they must immediately inform us, the owners or our appointed representative. Then they should immediately vacate the premises and strictly follow government public health advice and return home.
Contractors have been advised that if they are exhibiting symptoms or who have any reason to believe they may have come into contact with the virus within the previous 14 days, that they should not come on site and they should follow NHS guidelines.
Guests are only permitted to enter the premises provided they agree to comply with the latest government guidance with regards social distancing and groups of people allowed to stay together under one roof.
Guests might consider arranging for groceries/supplies to be delivered to the holiday home, to avoid trips to the supermarket. Guests need to check with the local stores as the situation is changing daily.
Guests are advised that there may be restricted opportunities to eat out at this time and they should be prepared to fully self-cater.
We will provide additional cleaning materials for guests to clean during their stay.
Implement Changes to cleaning policy
We always strive to maintain extremely high standards of cleanliness at ‘The Studio’. Under normal conditions we also strive to maintain high standards of sustainability. We recognise that at this time some sustainable practices will need to be compromised. For example, washing and reusing cleaning cloths and using mostly natural cleaning products. We promise to resume these practices as soon as it is safe to do so however for the duration of the Corvid-19 outbreak we have decided to adopt the cleaning practices recommended by Public Health England (PHE) for Cleaning in Non-Healthcare Settings as found Here
In addition we will:
- Reduce the amount of soft furnishings provided, so that where possible we can rotate them to allow a minimum 72hrs for potential virus to die before they are returned to the property.
- Remove books, games, puzzles and magazines from circulation once touched by a guest by requiring the item to be placed in our ‘browsed basket’. At the end of the stay the ‘browsed basket’ and its contents will be safely stored away for 72 hours until any threat from coronavirus transmission has been eliminated.
To Protect our Cleaning Team we will:
- If possible delay cleaning until the property has been vacant for 72 hours.
- Provide rubber gloves and plastic aprons.
- Limit the number of team members in any property to two at a time.
- Ask guests to empty all bins and place tied bags into the external waste bins.
This policy will be reviewed monthly until the Government advises that the Covid-19 threat has passed.